TRIO (technology, research, innovation and orientation) was born in 1998, as a project of tele-training financed by Tuscany Region through the Social European Fund (FSE).


The first phase, starting on June 30th 2002, has been characterized by the realization of an innovative course catalogue, by the arrangement of public structures to access to the TRIO services, spread on the regional territory, named Poles of tele-training. During this period, TRIO receives the Italian Web Awards 2002 (TRIO project’s website is in fact among the 100 best in Italy) and the Award Public Administration (June 2002).


Since July 2002 the second phase of TRIO has begun, guided by a new management, the groupage TRUe-learning. The project is enriched by new contents and are promoted new services, that consent to TRIO to change from a simple provision of courses to a system able to propose a complete training offer and to fulfill the needs of users.

This phase has been characterized by services of information, orientation, tutoring and certification, by a powering of the access ways to the system and by an important increase and diversification of the courses in the catalogue (more than 1400 courses, organized on a variety of thematic areas). All of this on a ground of huge evolution of the web technologies, that have consented to TRIO to become a wide system, able to respond effectively to the needs of “lifelong learning”, offering the possibility to everyone, everywhere and in every moment, to update, train and specialize.

Thanks to the results obtained by the project TRIO, the Tuscany Region has won, in December 2006, the European Label 2006, a prize assigned by the European Commission to the initiatives that promote the teaching and learning of the European languages through innovative and effective didactic systems.


Since January 2009, the management of TRIO has been assigned to a temporary groupage of enterprises (RTI), constituted by the following subjects:

  • eXact learning solutions ( (till August, 1st 2010 named Giunti Labs), mandatory of the groupage, vaunts more than 15 years of experience in the IT areas applied to the branches of planning and developing e-learning  contents and of educational technologies, nationally and internationally;
  • Tecnofor (, research centre constituted in 1996, is one of the main Italian centres in the field of planning and management of e-learning projects and of manifold training processes in the Public Administration;
  • Brain Technology ( is a leader group in the branch of Information Technology and in the services of assistance, counselling and ISP (Internet Service Provider). 

The System of Management for the Quality of RTI has been certified ISO 9001 by the DNV, relating to the “supply of remote training services of the web-learning regional system of Tuscany Region (TRIO) through the portal, web learning group and tele-training poles”.

The third phase is characterized by a further evolution of the system, with the following aims:

  • to connect even more the training offer to the real needs of the market of work and of the education system;
  • to qualify and innovate the offered services;
  • to supply a major support to the public administrations, training organizations, enterprises, associations and social partners.

The didactic offer of TRIO has enriched during this phase with various typologies of cooperating resources with various aims. In detail:

  • Courses market Certifications, with the aim to develop the knowledge necessary to obtain certifications recognized by the work market in the informatics and quality area.
  • Courses Regional System of the Competences, that have the aim to obtain the partial or complete knowledge necessary to acquire competence certificates and qualifying certificates of some professionals of the Tuscany Region Repertoire. The Regional System of the Competences is one of the referring elements for the evolution of TRIO, mainly to increase the use of the competences acquired in the work market.
  • Thematic courses, aggregation of courses aimed to the acquirement of articulated knowledge about topics of particular importance, to offer an enriched and complete vision of the thematic faced.
  • Didactic series, organic aggregations of the courses, organized on key competences to learn permanently, in order to acquire the knowledge that enables the entering in the work market. 

Moreover in the third phase have been developed the audio-podcast, didactic resources that consent the learning “while moving”. The audio file can be used on-line or downloaded on the PC or MP3 player to be used off-line. Another news of this phase are the Recorded Virtual Classrooms(AVR), the historic archive of the virtual classrooms records, training events and synchronous information lead by tutors that are for an audience that has booked in advance. Even the AVR, as the audio pod-cast, are usable on-line and off-line.

At last, with the TRIO Mobile project has begun the experimentation of new ways to access to the TRIO contents, while moving, thanks to an application realized for smartphones and tablets that uses the operative system Android.



The previous phase of the system TRIO (begun in February 2013), has as main aims to consolidate TRIO as a vehicle that gives support services to the integrated system of education, training and work and the enforcement of the relationship with the public and private organizations, the single citizens users and the inter-regional dimension as for the technologies for training.

The fourth phase is characterized by another evolution of the system focused on these aims:

  • to make available a didactic proposal always more integrated with the Regional System of the Competences and according to the more requested skills in the work market;
  • to consolidate the relation with the aggregated users, either in the form of training offer or of services to construct and evaluate training answers absolutely needed for the realization of the aims of the Regional Plan of Development;
  • to widen the offer of accompanying and community services in favour of individual or aggregated users, enforcing the “social” aspects of the system;
  • To favour the cooperation with web learning systems of autonomous Regions and Provinces and with systems that operate in other European Countries, referring particularly to initiatives connected to intervention programs of the Regions.

The system is at the moment managed by a temporary groupage of enterprises constituted by the following:

  • LATTANZIO Learning ( (till May 2nd 2013 named eXact learning solutions), leader agency in the offer of integrated training solutions and counselling about systems of learning and development of the Human Resources for the big and modern public and private organizations
  • Tecnofor (, research centre constituted in 1996, is one of the most important Italian societies in the field of e-learning, having matured an experience of many years in the management of complicated training processes.
  • Computer Care (, business that works in the Information Technlogy field and that is specialized in consultant services and education.
  • Var Group ( is the operative holding chief of a group of societies specialized in the integration of technologies and IT solutions all over the Country. Var Group with its own agency of communication, iMama, operates on the internet Italian market in the media, e-commerce, web-design, Social Networks segments to put digital communication to the firms through the web in a strategic way.

The management system for the quality of RTI has been certificated ISO 9001 by DNV, relating to the “Design and production of learning-objects, promotion and distribution of long distance learning services for the regional Web-learning system of Regione Toscana (TRIO), through the portal, the Web learning group and the distance learning Centers”


The present phase of the system TRIO has as main aims to consolidate TRIO as a vehicle that gives support services to the integrated system of education, training and work by facilitating connections and listening as a winning choice, able to develop more and more collaboration and convergence of the political, economic and social partners, and thus to give answers to the training needs of both territory and stakeholders.

The system is managed by this group of enterprises constituted by the following: