Besides the supply of course for the individual users, TRIO has realized a series of projects in cooperation with institutes, firms and institutions for a target of defined users and/or on special topics.

TRIO, for its versatility, flexibility and richness of the training offer, is an ideal partner for public and private stakeholders looking for ad hoc training solutions.

In view of the enhancement of the platform and of the courses catalogue and of support to the training needs of public and private institutes, trio is opened to cooperation and to the development of dedicated subjects.

In this section are reported some of the more significant projects realized by trio on specific topics or together with subjects of various nature.

This section contains some of the most significant and recent projects, realised by TRIO together with public and privates bodies or focused on specific topics:

  • Giovanisì (in collaboration with the project of the Tuscany region for youth indendency)
  • Safe School (in collaboration with the Regional Education Department for safety training on workplace in Tuscan institutes)
  • Piano Paesaggistico della Toscana