Along the lines of the Digital Competence initiatives, as you know, TRIO has launched two new macroareas, 'ICDL-ECDL' and 'Digital Competences'.
And you, have you already experienced the new courses in the 'ICDL-ECDL' macroarea? If you haven't already, browse through the macro area: you will find no less than 8 sub macroareas and 131 learning resources for you! Each training content is characterised by a short presentation description of the course, its own fact sheet with detailed information and a link to register.
From e-health to e-citizen, from basic to advanced skills... take advantage of the free training TRIO provides for you.
Digital training, simple!

Almost there! TRIO staff is hard at work putting online 2 new macro-areas dedicated to your training: Digital Skills and ICDL-ECDL.
Well, yes, finally acquiring the so-called digital skills will no longer be a problem. In fact, you will be able to do so completely free of charge on the TRIO platform, learning today's most sought-after skills such as digital content creation or data collection and research.
TRIO is constantly being updated to ensure that its products and services keep pace with the ongoing digital transformation. A revolution that is slowly pervading every area of our society.
Be an active part of the digital culture. Keep following TRIO on the website and on social media for updates on new macro-areas!