What is the WLG?

The Web Learning Group is a customized and exclusive access tool to TRIO services and to TRIO didactic offer, created in order to encourage the use of the web learning system by the aggregated users.

With the Web Learning Group (WLG), TRIO, the system of web learning of the Tuscany Region, puts at disposal of the institutions and public and private organizations, contents and services useful to reach the training aims that the managing subject established.

Who can apply for a WLG?

Institutions and public organizations, training organisms and private enterprises, Tuscan and non-Tuscan public bodies and organizations (the latter with prior authorization from the Tuscany Region), training organizations and private companies, which have legal or operational headquarters in Tuscany or who carry out training activities in respect of subjects in the regional territory, can apply for a WLG.

All the services are available for free, either for the managing subject or for the final user. The managing subject will have to satisfy the minimum request to activate and to maintain a WLG; in other words, the reaching in a year the completion of a number of courses as the 70% of the number of users registered and active in the WLG.

How to activate a WLG

To activate a wlg it is necessary to send to infowlg@progettotrio.it the request module of activation filled in each part together with the training project, to which is requested the activation of the service. The training project has to contain a synthetic description of the characteristics, recipients and aims.

The applicants are bound to accept the WLG Service Card. In the WLG Service Card are specified all the aims, the values, the typology of the offered services, the activation procedure and the rights and duties of the managing subjects.

The activation procedure distinguishes two categories of requesting subjects:

  • subjects with a head office on the Tuscany territory or that act the training activity for subjects that have a head office or are resident in the regional territory as institutions and public institutes, training agencies, private companies, etc.
  • institutions and extra regional public instiutes

For the public institutions (as listed in D.Lgs.165/01, art. 1, c.2) and organizations with training activities with head office in Tuscany, the verification of the requested requirements to activate and approve the request will internally be managed by the TRIO WLG service. For the extra regional subjects the WLG will be activated after a specific authorization by Tuscany Region.

WLG Contacts

The Web Learning Groups and the TRIO’s telematic learning Centres are directed by specific tutors who give users support and supervision and constant reporting on their training activities.

Please, feel free to contact them at the e-mail wlg@progettotrio.it. If you need information about the Web Learning Groups (how they work, how to activate them and which services are available for the organizations), please feel free to contact infowlg@progettotrio.it.

Would you like to know more about TRIO's WLG?

Watch our video, here!

Active WLGs


  • Aforisma Toscana
  • Cheddite Italy
  • Computer Care
  • Confartigianato Firenze
  • Consorzio Metis
  • Esedra
  • Fosber
  • IAL Toscana
  • Piaggio & C
  • Scuola Edile/CER
  • S.I.D.AL. - Società Italiana Distribuzioni Alimentari
  • Sena Auxilia
  • Softec

OFA – Accredited Training Organisms

  • A.F.R.A.M. - Agenzia Formativa
  • ACCE.DI – Accesso al Diploma
  • Agenzia Doccini Service
  • Althea Formazione
  • APAB
  • Assoservizi Siena
  • Bluinfo
  • Centro Studi l’Arca
  • Centro Analisi C.A.I.M.
  • Cescot Siena
  • CESVIP Toscana Lazio
  • CSCP - Centro Scuole Counseling e Psicoterapia
  • Ente Bilaterale Turismo Toscano
  • Eurobic Toscana Sud
  • Euroform
  • Fondazione Spazio Reale
  • Formatica
  • Formetica
  • IFOA - Area Toscana
  • Istituto Dante Alighieri - Firenze
  • Istituto per l'Arte e il Restauro - Palazzo Spinelli 
  • Istituto Tecnico Niccolini - Volterra
  • Istituto Tecnico Industriale Sarrocchi - Siena
  • IPSSCTS Luigi Einaudi - Pistoia
  • ITIS Enrico Fermi Lucca
  • La bottega Toscana
  • La Sfinge
  • La Base di San Lorenzo
  • Palazzo Spinelli Associazione No Profit
  • Pangea Consulenze
  • Provincia di Livorno sviluppo
  • Quality Evolution Consulting
  • Qu.In.
  • SPC - Scuola di Psicoterapia Comparata
  • S.S.A.T.I. - Scuola di Scienze Aziendali e Tecnologie Industriali Piero Baldesi
  • Ti Forma
  • TS Grosseto

PA - Public Administration

  • Agenzia Liguria Lavoro
  • ANCI - Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
  • ARSEL Liguria
  • Associazione Esculapio
  • Azienda A.S.L.3 Pistoia
  • Azienda U.S.L 2 Lucca
  • Azienda U.S.L 5 Pisa
  • Azienda Ospedaliera Meyer
  • Azienda Ospedaliera S. Croce e Carle
  • Azienda Opsedaliera Mellino Mellini
  • CAMPP - Consorzio Assistenza Medico Psicopedagogica
  • Centro di Formazione Imprenditoriale - Perugia
  • Collegio Interprovinciale Agrotecnici e Agrotecnici laureati di AR-GR-PG-SI-TR
  • Comitato Provinciale Arci Bottegone
  • Comune di Firenze
  • Comune di Grosseto
  • Comune di Massarosa
  • Comune di Trieste - S.C.P.P.
  • Confesercenti Toscana
  • Consiglio Regionale della Toscana
  • Consorzio Arezzo Innovazione
  • Corpo forestale - Comando Regionale Abruzzo
  • Centro Territoriale Permanente Buonarroti di San Miniato
  • DSU Toscana
  • Eta Beta Onlus
  • FISM - Federazione Italiana Scuole Materne
  • ISIS Russel Newton
  • Istituto Comprensivo Portoferraio
  • Istituto Comprensivo Acquaviva
  • Istituto Comprensivo Statale Fratelli Cervi
  • Istituto Serpieri - Bologna
  • Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Della Sardegna “G. Pegreffi”
  • Liceo statale Scipione Maffei - Verona
  • Liceo Artistico Russoli di Pisa e Cascina
  • Liceo Scientifico Pasteur
  • PRAP Toscana
  • Provincia di Bolzano
  • Provincia di Livorno
  • Provincia di Prato
  • Regione Calabria
  • Regione Marche
  • Regione Siciliana - Dipartimento Regionale della Funzione Pubblica e del Personale
  • Regione Siciliana - Dipartimento Regionale dell' Acqua e dei Rifiuti
  • Regione Veneto
  • Regione Toscana - Settore Organizzazione e Sviluppo Risorse Umane
  • UnionCamere Toscana
  • Università degli Studi di Firenze
  • Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
  • Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale



  • Provincia di Firenze - Polo TRIO di Pontassieve
  • Provincia di Massa Carrara - Polo TRIO di Massa Carrara
  • Provincia di Pisa - Polo TRIO di Pisa